Deadlines, exams and constant mugging are familiar routines for all students. To assist students in staying focused and becoming high achievers, Sunway College’s Australian Matriculation Programme (AUSMAT) put together a mini-workshop called S.O.S, an acronym that stands for Strategise, Organise and Soar!
The dedicated team of AUSMAT lecturers recognised the needs of these students and identified students to participate in a series of motivational and inspirational workshops that will make up S.O.S. According to Mrs Ruma, Director of the AUSMAT programme, “A series of talks by specialists in the fields have been organised for our students to inspire them. These special sessions are designed to make our students believe in themselves to achieve the best they can be.”
Ms. Mien Cheng inspiring the students with principles found in Jeff Olson’s book entitled The Slight Edge. |